
BundleCorp - Web App

We designed and developed Electronic Bundling Software for BundleCorp, cutting down on prep-time ahead of litigation hearings as well having a hugely positive environmental impact by turning a paper-based process into a digital one.

The Background

Litigation matters can run for a number of years, and for every court hearing throughout the process, both parties are required to provide the court with a comprehensive Bundle of documents, which is shared with the Judge, solicitors, witnesses, barristers as well as transcribers. The Bundle includes all documents relevant to the hearing and it is not uncommon for a Bundle to span over dozens of lever-arch files for a complex case, with multiple copies of the Bundle created for the each party who attends the hearing. 

Once a Bundle has been created, a Bundle index must be organised by the claimant or applicant, and then be approved by the other parties. Once approved, the Bundle is usually manually created by printing documents, is organised according to the index, is then paginated, and then the entire Bundle is duplicated - creating as many copies as required for the parties involved. This whole process is very time consuming, usually teams of 15 paralegals and taking up to 4 weeks to prepare. 

As well as a huge time sink, this process is also very costly! Creating a physical Bundle is environmentally unfriendly as it carries a significant carbon footprint. If a case settles just before the hearing then the entire Bundle (each copy of it) is disposed of, highlighting the environmental cost further.

The Solution

The clear solution to the issues of cost, time, and the environment when creating a Bundle, is Electronic Bundles. While Electronic Bundle software does exist, there was a gap in the market for software that was designed specifically for complex litigation. More complex hearings require far more involved and complicated Bundle formats which existing platforms do not service effectively. One core issue is that Electronic Bundles cannot carry out deduplication of factual exhibits. This is especially problematic when needing to create a volumes of factual exhibits within the Bundle at the Judge’s request.

The App

BundleCorp approached Bad Dino to design and develop an innovative SAAS product where users can create, organise and share Bundles, for both simple and complex hearings. BundleCorp had already proved the concept by having a clickable prototype version of the app developed. We worked with the client to translate the core users flows into fully functional feature development, built as a desktop-first web application. 

BundleCorp’s exclusive proprietary algorithm is designed to convert static PDFs into dynamically linked and cross-referenced documents. This provides unparalleled time savings, streamlining processes and significantly reducing the time spent on manual tasks, allowing lawyers to focus more on case building and less on administrative burdens.

A Word From Our Team

Ian Henderson, Head of Product

“Our brief from the outset was to defy the norm and buck mediocrity when developing an electronic case Bundle suite. BundleCorp's founder had a clear vision for the solution to inefficient case bundle generation, and we had to make sure we met the mark. Through a proprietary methodology and bespoke bundle generation engine, we were able to provide software that can save not only the environment by reducing the need for reams of paper but also the time of those responsible for creating court bundles.”


Working with Bad Dinosaur has been a fantastic experience. From the outset, the team went the extra mile to understand our industry, its challenges and the solution that we wanted to create. They have worked with us collaboratively and pro-actively, assisting us with solutions in a way that has added real value. Our app has developed from a Bundle app to a more comprehensive, end-to-end collaboration app. We are continuing to respond to our users’ needs, and we have many more ideas that we can’t wait to implement with the support of the team at Bad Dinosaur!

Zaakira Allana, Founder & CEO, BundleCorp

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