
Why Digital Transformation isn’t about pulling an App out of thin air

App Development
Sep 09, 2024
3 minute read

As an agency, we have seen first-hand that so many businesses are sitting on untapped potential when it comes to digital transformation. The idea of transforming your business digitally can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re not a tech expert. But here’s the truth: you’re probably more ready than you think. It’s not about reinventing your business overnight or pulling an app out of thin air - it’s about making the most of what you already have.

📈 Firstly, operational businesses already have procedures and processes in place. Granted, these might be clunky, creaking at the seams or very manual - but they do exist. This means you aren’t working from scratch when it comes to replacing them digitally - technology is really only there to optimise what you already know about certain processes - helping you maximise efficiency and productivity within your organisation, and simultaneously delivering a substantial ROI. 

🐢 Secondly, you don’t need to overhaul everything all at once. Many organisations come to us with a whole bunch of processes they want to have incorporated into their new software, but in truth tackling them wholesale slows down development and can feel super overwhelming for the client. Rather, we prefer to work with clients to identify the main bottlenecks which are causing the bulk of the headaches, and tackle those first. So our advice is not to get too ambitious with trying to shoehorn in absolutely everything you can - start slow and build in incremental solutions over time.

🤓 And lastly, you’d be amazed at how many businesses run on spreadsheets, and that they can actually be developed into apps with surprisingly conservative amounts of effort. If human error, scalability or versioning of a spreadsheet is beginning to cause a slowdown in productivity - it’s very possible that that data can be migrated into an app to deliver a much more elegant user experience, freeing up the time of your employees to focus their efforts on the more valuable areas of their role. 

If you are considering digital transformation in your business and aren’t 100% where to start or what to tackle first, our team are experts in identifying the best course of action. The best place to start is having a chat (ideally over a coffee) with our Head of Partnerships, Rosie, to see how we can help. ☕

 Contact rosie@baddinosaur.co.uk to get the ball rolling.

3 minute read
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