Where to start with Digital Transformation

Bad Dinosaur TeamAt Bad Dino, we work on projects across a huge range of sectors, from original concepts to digital transformation projects, and everything in between. Digital transformation is often seen as a bit of a buzzword, but in fact it can span a wide range of tools and solutions for organisations to maximise efficiency and capitalise on opportunities. Whether it’s bespoke software to hone operational processes, investing in a SAAS solution, or elevating your customer experience by introducing an app, there are countless digital solutions out there to help innovate your business.
Since founding Bad Dino in 2013, our Managing Director Kyle Whittington and the team have delivered countless digital transformation projects, while also optimising our own processes - you’ve got to practice what you preach! Most recently, we have adopted GitHub Co-Pilot to help with productivity when it comes to automating repetitive tasks. By allowing AI to recommend intelligent code suggestions, our developers can work much faster. We pass this time save on to our clients, because as an agency who operates on a time and materials basis, the less time we take, the less it costs - win win!
Here, Kyle shares his advice for other SMEs who are looking to embark on a digital transformation journey of their own:
Don’t be intimidated
Digital transformation often conjures images of management consultants, 18-month-long projects, hugely ambitious scopes of work, multi-million pound budgets, and sterile blue-tinted stock photography. It doesn’t have to be like that.
Whatever the size of your business, the industry you’re in, or the scope of your budget, it’s safe to say that there is something in your processes that can be improved with a digital transformation project.
Know your processes
If you don’t know how things currently work in your business, you won’t be able to identify what area needs help. It’ll also make it a lot harder to assess success, and it’ll be a nightmare for anyone external that’s involved in the digital transformation project.
Map out the entirety of the process in a flow chart, with steps, outcomes, RACIs, methods - absolutely everything. Put it this way: if the team responsible for this process were in a winning lotto syndicate, then you should have enough detail to be able to keep the show on the road.
Identify the right area
If you were granted funding tomorrow to digitally transform one facet of your business, how would you choose? We’re all guilty of letting our biases cloud our judgement, so it’s crucial that you take time to analyse what really matters most.
Ask yourself what area is most at risk if not addressed, what talent exists in each area that could support a change project, what change would have the greatest ROI, short- and long-term. A good rule of thumb is to plug any gaps that are causing pain or losing you money, and then look at areas that you can improve.
Start small and build
Taking an agile approach to building a digital product is no longer an option, it’s an imperative. At Bad Dino we’ve turned down plenty of full scale projects, encouraging clients instead to start with a minimum viable product (MVP), test it out, and then follow a cycle of designing, building, testing, releasing, reviewing, and optimising.
There are loads of benefits to working this way, including: letting you test viability before committing too much budget, the option to change course without severe consequences, the opportunity to capture (and act upon) end-user feedback throughout, and helping you get senior stakeholder buy-in.
Spend time selecting the right partner
This is so important. You’re going to be spending a lot of time with your digital transformation partners - be they software vendors, business consultants, or app development teams like Bad Dino.
Think about the nature of the relationship you want to build with your partners and factor that into your search criteria - it’s just as important as other factors like price and tech stack.
Don’t leave anyone in the dark
We’ve seen brilliant projects flop because of breakdowns in communication with end-users. Do everything you can to make the change as manageable and painless for colleagues, but nonetheless be prepared for push-back. Accept that change is difficult for anyone to navigate, regardless of how insistent they are about being embracers of change.
Communication is key at every stage of the process, so make sure that you have a workstream allocated to managing regular updates for anyone who will be impacted by the project. Better still, get them involved in the process by asking for input and feedback throughout the journey.
Keep going
Don’t stop once you’ve implemented your digital transformation project. Dedicate some time for a post-implementation review to find out what worked, and what didn’t. Use that feedback to shape your digital transformation roadmap, and start getting excited about the next project!
If you're interested in digitally transforming your business get in touch with the team at Bad Dino about a discovery workshop.
Photo by Håkon Grimstad on Unsplash