Certified Cycling Friendly Employer

Bad Dinosaur TeamBad Dinosaur been awarded 'Cycling Friendly Employer' status from Cycling Scotland, the nation's cycling organisation, for its commitment to making it easier for people to get on their bikes.
We’re really pleased to announce that we’ve been recognised by Cycling Scotland, the nation’s cycling organisation, for our commitment to make it easier for more people to cycle. The Cycling Friendly Employer award recognises workplaces across Scotland for their commitment to making it easier for more people to enjoy the benefits of cycling.
At Bad Dinosaur we're committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our team. We're also encouraging our team to make more sustainable travel choices like cycling, through:
- the provision of secure, onsite cycle parking
- access to shower & changing facilities
- pool e-bikes available for work & weekend use
- encouragement and support from a team of passionate cycling enthusiasts.
Find out more about the work of Cycling Scotland online.