Celebrating Earth Day

Bad Dinosaur TeamLast week we celebrated Earth Day. However, at Bad Dinosaur we are conscious that caring about the planet is not just a one day event, which is why we have an ever evolving sustainability policy in place that outlines the actions we have in place to try and offset our carbon footprint 365 days a year.
We have pool e-bikes for everyone. This means the Bad Dinosaur team can reduce their reliance on cars, taxis or public transport.
We are planting trees and going climate positive. Each month we will be planting at least 240 trees via our partnership with Ecologi in an effort to become climate positive.
We are using energy from renewable sources only. We have moved energy supplies at the office to Bulb, who provide 100% renewable electricity from solar, wind and hydro. Their gas is 100% carbon neutral too.
We prefer meat-free catering. We are a sociable office and regularly have team lunches, we’ve committed to making sure that any catering is as meat free as possible going forward.
We are choosing net zero suppliers. Whilst we don’t have many suppliers of goods for Bad Dinosaur, we will be aiming to only work with suppliers who are targeting, at the very least, net zero carbon emissions in their roadmap.
We are buying certified refurbished electronics. Where possible, we will be looking to purchase certified refurbished goods over buying new.
We would love to hear about sustainability initiatives your company is undertaking, we are always on the lookout for ways to improve and ideas on how we can do it!